A Time to Give Back...VOTE
Ladies... a few more hours, and you will be making history. I urge you to participate in our democratic process tomorrow Thursday June 29th, 2006. We all have a vision of Kuwait, o e7na ilshabab 3indina nafs il ro'ya, naby ilkuwait illy robaina feeha.
Ya shabab! The events of the past few months have proven that we are not the future of the country anymore, we are the present! We can make change, we have and we will continue our efforts.
Mino illy ya7meeeha...mino illy yahdeeeha..mino illy yra3eeeha...mino illy yafdeeha? E7naaa E7na!! E7naaaa E7na...killina e7na..killina e7na...Baladna, baladna liKuwait liKuwaaaaiit!
I know that you will not let me down. We are all restricted to our own districts, some very few good choices, some with more than 2, so I am urging every one of you shabab in every district in Kuwait to vote for illy ya7meeha, yahdeeha, yra3eeha willy yafdeeha.
June 29th is a time to give back a fraction of what it had been giving us.. inqadimlich a7la hadiya ya a7la Kuwait.
Update: Now that's all shot to shit.
Ya shabab! The events of the past few months have proven that we are not the future of the country anymore, we are the present! We can make change, we have and we will continue our efforts.
Mino illy ya7meeeha...mino illy yahdeeeha..mino illy yra3eeeha...mino illy yafdeeha? E7naaa E7na!! E7naaaa E7na...killina e7na..killina e7na...Baladna, baladna liKuwait liKuwaaaaiit!
I know that you will not let me down. We are all restricted to our own districts, some very few good choices, some with more than 2, so I am urging every one of you shabab in every district in Kuwait to vote for illy ya7meeha, yahdeeha, yra3eeha willy yafdeeha.
June 29th is a time to give back a fraction of what it had been giving us.. inqadimlich a7la hadiya ya a7la Kuwait.
Update: Now that's all shot to shit.